
The art and science of Project Management: An introduction

  1. The art and science of projects: an introduction.  


You’ll see the science and art to project management mentioned quite a bit within PM-Guidance. And for good reason, it’s not just marketing blurb. To manage projects to successful delivery, PM’s need to master both the science and the art and understand what to apply when.  


Let me start by shortly sharing what is meant by both. The Science of Project Management is the clinical application of formal PM practices. Simply stated: apply what is taught in certified PM programs like PMP,  Agile framework and Prince2 . The Art is the application of clarity and human skills to deliver project results with people for people. In short: 


  • The science is providing the Project Management techniques, the art is providing the clarity and humanity in projects 


Why do we make this distinction? 


The answer to that is fairly simple. Both are needed to be able to create lasting project success. Typically within the PM industry there is awareness, attention and evolution within the science of Projects. The art as a dimension is hardly recognized let alone the need of it is understood nourished and applied.  


What is the result? 


The lack of an integrated approach for applying the science and art of projects leads to poor project results. The industry has reacted by further fine tuning and developing the PM techniques, ironically making the matter only worse. The science focus leads to an overly clinical project approach with diminishing focus on the people within projects.  

Which is harmful as it is ultimately the people which create project success. Getting the fruits from their talents is what make projects stand out. Motivated, involved people also are the best safeguard for navigating the tougher times within a project life cycle. Recognizing and integrating these people leads to a project delivery which make them proud providing results they happily take ownership of.  


 Why does it matter to me? 


After 25 years in managing change and projects, it’s tough to observe that still so many fail. And unnecessarily so. It results in waste, which comes down to organizational success lacking but more importantly negatively affecting people involved in projects and their outcomes. I care about people, I care about change and projects. They are our vehicle to achieve improvement and personal development. Lacking success therefore ultimately hurts people, organizations and society at large.  


Why should it matter to you? 


Understanding the art of Project Management and the integration of the science and art of projects very well could be the differentiator for success in your career in Project Management. I observe the science providing PM’s with a toolbox only half full. It’s no wonder your job at times is as tough as it is, you miss essential tools to be successful. At PM-Guidance we strive to provide you with those additional tools allowing you to become more successful.  


In a series of follow up articles we share more about the science and art of projectsand how to apply and integrate both to accomplish truly lasting project success. Finally we have created a series of examples to provide a clear explanation of the differences and how these dimensions are both important to create success.  

You are a Project Professional. Project life excites you and is what you are good at! Improving the world through projects is a fun, diverse challenge.  

However, creating success at times is hard . No matter how hard you try and apply all you have learned in training. At times it just is not enough. 

Let alone doing this in a sustainable manner. Project life surely can take its toll while there are few people you can consult with.

Recognizable? Then you have a lot in common with the professionals we typically work with

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