
The science of Project Management

  1. The science of Project Management 


As shared in the introduction article, when we refer to the science of Project Management we mean the different techniques and methodologies taught in formal Project Management education. There are quite some different programs out there all with their pro’s and con’s. With the main differentiator being those that have originated from an Agile mindset or those that have originated from a more waterfall mindset which later on have incorporated Agile principles as well.  


The way I perceive the science of Project Management is that it provides a solid foundation for setting up and executing projects. I know of few projects that are successful without a proper level of project science being applied. They serve a good purpose within the practical management of a project. It helps to define a structure and approach for projects as well as providing input for the actual day to day management.  


Through the methodologies a common project vocabulary is created. The framework it provides ensures perceptions and project definitions typically are fairly well aligned. In that sense these methodologies play a crucial role in the creation of clarity, one of the more important tasks of any PM. As well as that it allows for efficiency in project execution.  


However, it is not all good news with these PM methodologies. Just imagine the evolution of any methodology over time. Refinements are made to accommodate for recent experiences. In the case of Project Management methodologies the context they have evolved in is one where project success often was lacking. So methodologies got more extensive, more refined to “fix” the issues and as a result the emphasis on the methodology has grown. The application of the methodology has become a goal rather than it being an important tool to achieve success.  


Just have a look at the majority of the PM methodologies and just the sheer amount of information is a hindrance to successfully execute any project. It distracts, creates complexity and prohibits clarity rather than helping providing it. Any project of significant size is complex. As a result a simple approach is required to be able to achieve success. Projects cannot afford to be distracted by the complexity of the supporting methodology.  


Over time, the management of a project has become overly technical and clinical. Where the actual success is to be made together with people, cooperating and guiding them towards achieving project goals. An ever growing disbalance in the focus on people versus the focus on methodology is what the Project Management industry is facing.  


To summarize this, Project Management methodologies are important to generate a minimal level of success within projects. None of these methodologies however provide a complete toolbox for your project success as they are lacking the focus on the people element within projects.  

You are a Project Professional. Project life excites you and is what you are good at! Improving the world through projects is a fun, diverse challenge.  

However, creating success at times is hard . No matter how hard you try and apply all you have learned in training. At times it just is not enough. 

Let alone doing this in a sustainable manner. Project life surely can take its toll while there are few people you can consult with.

Recognizable? Then you have a lot in common with the professionals we typically work with

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